Dual-Disabled Employment

The Work Adjustment Center at Alphapointe provides a safe, therapeutic working environment to over 40 adults with multiple developmental disabilities. All of these individuals have some level of vision impairment, ranging from complete blindness to partial vision loss. Many of the employees in WAC have cognitive and physical disabilities, and most live in group homes. They spend their time at Alphapointe completing a variety of projects, including assembling pens and other piece work. They are paid for their work, and receive incentives and rewards for a job well done.

More importantly, these individuals receive therapeutic services. Staff members work with clients to improve their orientation and mobility skills, to teach proper workplace behavior and conflict resolution skills. Each client is assessed prior to beginning work, and is subsequently monitored to ensure progress. The Work Adjustment Center is home to many challenges, but it is also the place where many hard won successes are celebrated. Whether it is something as simple as throwing away their lunch plates or walking to the bathroom utilizing a white cane, all of the victories in the WAC are cause for celebration.